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Designed in our country with great technicians and ITist, we designed our CCTV to fit for all your needs. 


Choose the one you like! Choose the one you need! 


Why is it good to invest in CCTV?

  1. CCTV caused a significant reduction of crime by on average 16%.
  2. The largest effects of CCTV were found in car parks, where cameras reduced crime by on average 51%.
  3. CCTV schemes in other public settings had small and non-statistically significant effects on crime: 7% reduction in city and town centers and 23% reduction in public transport settings.
  4. When sorted by country, systems in the United Kingdom accounted for the majority of the decrease; the drop in other areas was insignificant


1200 lei - Price per one piece

  • Does not include the installation - 100 lei/camera


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